I’m Lisa Savoie and I love the internet. I’m amazed that I can bounce between reading Thoughts of Dog on Twitter to checking out garden trends on Pinterest to buying just about anything from Amazon. I’ve always wondered what happened on the other side of my screen. How does it all work? So I decided to learn.
I began taking courses with Skillcrush and found that I love coding. I’ve designed and developed static, responsive websites and sites on the WordPress and Shopify platforms. I’ve written code in JavaScript, React, PHP, Python, and Ruby and built web apps with the Sinatra and Rails frameworks. You can find examples of sites and apps I’ve completed in my project’s portfolio and on GitHub.
I’m now an instructor at Skillcrush! I answer student questions about HTML, CSS, responsive development WordPress, Git & GitHub, JavaScript, React, and Python. I love helping students new to coding develop a skill set that helps them achieve what they wish for in life.
I’ve always been a hard worker, creative, and diligent. I hope to apply these qualities to building a freelance business creating websites. I would love to work with you to design and implement a website that truly reflects your vision. Interested? I would love to hear from you!