
  • Post category:Debug

Bundler allowed me to create a gem pretty easily. A couple of notes though. My version worked but I hadn't defined an object along with a method. Doing so is…

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  • Post category:Blog

Although I know I can learn anything, I don't feel like I'm really grasping this yet. Part of it is I still feel crispy. Part of me thinks I shouldn't…

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  • Post category:Debug

I created a Bingo card! Well, essentially this is a grid of whatever I would want it to be. It uses the Prawn gem and is written in Ruby. The…

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Targeted research

  • Post category:WordPress

Today's issue was the spacing of elements in a PHP function that used flex-direction: row reverse. Answer: justify-content: space-between; But the real deal is targeted research. I looked over a lot…

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