
I first heard about Polypane on SyntaxFM. Then I heard an interview of its developer on JS Party. Considering how much time I spend looking at sites at different viewports, I have big hopes that this app will be a game changer for me.

The app is a browser – there are also browser extensions for Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Edge, and Opera. After downloading and installing I worked through the Quick start guide. It promised 3 minutes.

The first in the list of tasks to try is to add a pane. I double clicked on the empty space between two existing panes and saw confetti!! That’s awesome!

So far there are a few features that I’ll really love – like the ability to take and annotate screenshots. I can see that feature to be super helpful to send to students. Some features I look forward to exploring are the ALLY suggestions and the ability to toggle from light to dark mode. And really just playing with it in general. I’ll give it a try over the next few days during my free trial and see how it goes.

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