
About a year and a half ago, I decided to learn to code. I started taking coursework through Skillcrush. And it has been awesome.

So, now I’ve pretty much finished what I originally set out to do. I’m still finishing the Freelance blueprint (more on that later). I wanted to understand how the internet worked, how websites worked. I also wanted to be able to discuss Joey’s work with him and understand what he was talking about. I’ve achieved all that. But a funny thing happened along the way.

This isn’t the first time I’ve wanted to know more about something. šŸ™‚ But this time I found I really love it. And I would love for someone to pay me to do it. šŸ™‚ Another thing that is funny is that I thought this was something so out of my reach. But really, with a little knowledge and some basic equipment… no one can stop you from doing it because it is mostly free. If I wanted to, I could create a new website every day and it wouldn’t cost me a dime more than I’ve already spent. That’s broke girl awesome.

The other funny thing that happened along the way is that this became just for me. Other things I became interested in – cooking, Spanish, gardening… – they all had a public interest face to them. Being a better cook meant that I could make treats for people. Learning a bit of Spanish meant I could talk more easily with friends from work. Gardening helps wildlife and makes my neighborhood more attractive.

But this is just for me. Yes I would like someone to pay me to do this (and I promise I’ll get to this later). But the making of the websites, the learning, the exploring code. That is all just for me. It is not in service to anyone else. And that is a big switch for me. Coming from a place where consideration was always paid to “how can this benefit others”, this just for me thing is something totally new. And I like it.

So, my first why’s were curiosity and connection with my husband. But my why now is so much harder to articulate. It will be interesting to see where this goes.

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