
When I first wrote the CSS for my contact form, I wrote this: .main-content { max-width: 60%; margin: 0 auto; } Which looked like it worked. Until I was reviewing…

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Keep a sticky

Today's mind bending realization: Keep a desktop stick note with relevant and frequently used information like hex codes for each project. So much easier than scrolling through the file or…

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Flexbox is the hero!

  • Post category:Debug

The photos are lined up and evenly spaced - all thanks to flexbox. .homepage-featured-work-row { display: flex; flex-flow: row; justify-content: space-between; } After returning to display: block; to pull the…

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Coding Blog!

  • Post category:Blog

I always thought about a blog but never really had a direction, a purpose. But listening to Code Newbie today, I heard the best idea. Use your blog as an…

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