Coding Blog!

I always thought about a blog but never really had a direction, a purpose. But listening to Code Newbie today, I heard the best idea. Use your blog as an archive of your coding journey. Not for others but as a resource for yourself. Maybe it’s helpful for others. But the point is you create a reference work for yourself!

I’m taking a Skillcrush course. Online code learning at its best. I’m loving it. Right now, I’m on the WordPress blueprint. I made this blog!

The current project is a site for a marketing business. We’re making several pages. Today I worked on pages for case studies and adding references to those pages on the homepage. We’re using a plugin Advance Custom Fields to create the case study pages. The lesson pretty much walks you through the process of creating the page and the CSS styling.

Tonight I began adding reference to the case studies to the homepage. I’m beginning to understand how the PHP works. Everything showed up which is really positive! Now I need to style it.

Which is now the point of this blog. From here on out, I’ll keep notes here on what I completed, code snippets, tips and tricks. Anything that will help me in the future.

Pretty exciting!

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