Gutenberg Meetup – part 1

This week I gave my first WordPress Meetup presentation. It was all about the Gutenberg editor. I covered the basics and then a bit more about using plugins and imports to create a website. I had a great deal of fun putting together the presentation and I learned a LOT!

I decided to offer to give this presentation during a recent Meetup. Someone mentioned Gutenberg and several of the regular members booed! I figured, “No one else is going to give this talk. This is my chance to participate!” Yep, that’s the way I think 🙂

The WordPress Meetup I attend is usually about half professionals and half people who are trying to create or maintain their own WordPress site. I figured they wouldn’t have put a lot of effort into learning the Gutenberg editor so I started with the basics. How to add, edit, and remove a block. I focused on 3 core principles: Content, Layout & Flexibility.

See a bit below for a screenshot of the first part of my presentation. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out!

Screenshot of Meetup presentation #1