Some GOOD news!

I’ve started a new job at Skillcrush! I’m working part-time/temporary as a Teaching Assistant. I mostly answer questions about HTML & CSS and how to use them to build beautiful static pages. I’ve always loved interacting with my fellow Skillcrushers in the Slack channels. So this is a big deal for me!

If you’ve read this blog (Hi Joey!) then you know of my love for Skillcrush (see the post here!) A couple of years back I saw a job opening for a TA position and it just sounded like a great job. And now it’s mine 🙂 It’s temporary to handle the influx of new students and students picking up their classes again but I’m going to do my best and stay hopeful 🙂

So that’s my exciting Work from Home during the quarantine news! If you’re interested Web Development, check them out!

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